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Reshade + SweetFXReshade + SweetFX

Небольшой графический мод для Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster....

Stat ( comments ), pcs.

3 versions

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3 versions

Views : 2149 ( +2 )
Downloads : 358
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/02/2019 11:51:13 AM
Rating :
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Similar1. Naruto - + arms
2. Shanks - One Piece
3. Naruto Six Path - Naruto
4. Vegeta - Model from DBXV. Arms included.
5. Saitama - + руки
6. Madara Edo Tensei - Jump Force (Madara Edo tensei (Rinnegan) + Jigglebones + Arms model.)
7. Igor - + arms
8. Mega Man - + arms
1. ( 2.7 Mb )
Goku Goku Goku Goku Goku Goku
crashzk 10/25/2021, 3:23:57 PM commented :
Apparently, only the model with the blue clothes and yellow hair works.

The ones with blue and yellow hair in orange clothes are invisible.
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