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Captain America, Blackwidow, Blade, Dr.Doom, Flash, The Punisher, Spiderman, Superman, venom and Greenlantern. Some come with armmodels, some not.
Heroes pack
Captain America, Blackwidow, Blade, Dr.Doom, Flash, The Punisher, Spiderman, Superman, venom and Greenlantern. Some come with armmodels, some not.
Author/s of the model : Andi67 Views : 3745 ( +1 ) Downloads : 472 Uploader : NitrO Created : 03/19/2018 12:59:14 PM Rating : ( 3 ) Share :
Similar 1. Miscellaneous Pack - Порт множества моделей из разных игр 2. Bender toons - Files include Arms and PlayerModels. PlayerModel have newest skeleton and hitboxes. Btw its my first port of PlayerModels (report any bugs in to comments...) 3. Bioshock Infinite Pack - + arms 4. L4D2 Special Infected pack - Порт всех особых зараженных из Left 4 Dead 2 5. Dead by Daylight pack - 11 differnt models with arms
Xawor 04/04/2018, 2:32:52 PM commented :
#1 Ужасные порты, одна модель страшнее другой. Качество в мастерской Left 4 Dead 2 и то лучше.
Edor 06/11/2019, 5:17:26 AM commented :
#2 Nice
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