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Half-Life 1: Ray Traced 1.0.5aHalf-Life 1: Ray Traced 1.0.5a

Мод, который улучшает графику Half-Life с помощью технологии трассировки лучей....

Obsidian ConflictObsidian Conflict

First Person Shooter...

Stat ( source mods ), pcs.

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Author/s of the model : Soul_Slayer , Spezz , Twinke Masta , Dav0r , Ace , Snark , Enron , Thanez , the_tub , Xero , Vunsunta , HK , 3DStart
Views : 547 ( +1 )
Downloads : 11
Uploader : Cep}|{
Created : 02/03/2013 11:33:36 AM
Rating :
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