The Joker
Порт из MKvsDC
Author/s of the model : Morell Views : 5121 ( +2 ) Downloads : 711 Uploader : Xawor Created : 05/31/2016 5:09:24 PM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
Similar 1. Aragorn - The Lord of the Rings 2. Agent Venom - Marvel Heroes 3. Black Panther - T'Challa from movies Captain America: Civil War, Black Panther and Avengers (+arms) 4. Soldier: 76 - Overwatch (+ arms) 5. Santa Claus - Ho ho ho, Merry christmas, etc. 6. Primetime Draven - Порт из League of Legend
crashzk 10/25/2021, 6:27:49 PM commented :
#2 Skin itself works, but the weapon is bug in the player's hand, the weapon is on the ground. Here's a print:
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