This removes those annoying ammo icons
Transparent Ammo Icons (Player and AI)
This removes those annoying ammo icons
Author / s : DemonSlayer_1 Views : 2286 ( +2 ) Downloads : 46 Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi Created : 06/13/2016 7:30:10 AM Rating : ( 5 ) Share : Tags : персонаж, оружие, Shepard, загрузить скачать, модификация, мод, графический мод, эффект массы, mass effect 2, me2, download, graphic, modification, Mod, weapons, character
This removes those annoying ammo icons that appear when you select a special ammo type. It removes it on both player and NPC weapons.
Launch TexMod .
Click on a folder "Target Aplication" in the upper left corner, specify the path to the file MassEffect2.exe .
Press on the middle of the folder "Select Packages" window, select the downloaded mod (texture\model in .tpf -format).
Hit Run . This procedure is necessary to alter each time you start the game.
Similar 1. Mass Effect 2 SweetFX (v.1.4) - Графический мод, изменяющий общее изображение игры 2. ME2 Graphic Mod G 4.61 (ENBSeries) - Графическая модификация для игры Mass Effect 2, на основе ENBSeries и NVIDIA FXAA Injection.
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