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This removes those annoying ammo icons

  • Description

Transparent Ammo Icons (Player and AI)

This removes those annoying ammo icons

Author / s : DemonSlayer_1
Views : 2286 ( +2 )
Downloads : 46
Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi
Created : 06/13/2016 7:30:10 AM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Tags : персонаж, оружие, Shepard, загрузить скачать, модификация, мод, графический мод, эффект массы, mass effect 2, me2, download, graphic, modification, Mod, weapons, character

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This removes those annoying ammo icons that appear when you select a special ammo type. It removes it on both player and NPC weapons.


  1. Launch TexMod.

  2. Click on a folder "Target Aplication" in the upper left corner, specify the path to the file MassEffect2.exe.

  3. Press on the middle of the folder "Select Packages" window, select the downloaded mod (texture\model in .tpf-format).

  4. Hit Run. This procedure is necessary to alter each time you start the game.

Similar1. Mass Effect 2 SweetFX (v.1.4) - Графический мод, изменяющий общее изображение игры
2. ME2 Graphic Mod G 4.61 (ENBSeries) - Графическая модификация для игры Mass Effect 2, на основе ENBSeries и NVIDIA FXAA Injection.
1. ( 1.7 Kb )
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