Model from:DayZ Standalone
Python .357 Magnum CT6
Model from:DayZ Standalone
Views : 413 ( +2 ) Downloads : 2 Uploader : NitrO Created : 04/13/2016 7:47:30 PM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
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Colt Python — a six-shot revolver caliber .357 Magnum, the Production manufactured by colt in Hartford, Connecticut. Was first introduced in 1955, along with Smith & Wesson M29 .44 Magnum also. Many collectors firearms, such as Jeff Cooper, Ian. Hogg, Chuck hawks, Leroy Thompson, Renee Smith and Martin Doherty note that Python is considered the best revolvers in this class.Revolver assembled on the frame type I, has a smooth trigger and high precision.
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