Этот мод добавляет черную форму и логотип Цербера для всех членов отряда.
Black Cerberus Squad
Этот мод добавляет черную форму и логотип Цербера для всех членов отряда.
Author / s : DemonSlayer_1 Views : 1572 ( +1 ) Downloads : 51 Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi Created : 06/13/2016 1:12:17 PM Source : http://social.bioware.com/project/2052/#files Rating : ( 0 ) Share : Tags : пак, персонаж, загрузить скачать, Цербер, Шепард, Эффект масс, ретекстур, рескин, мод, модификация, черный, black, modification, Mod, texmod, retexture, replace, reskins, me2, Mass Effect 2, Cerberus, shepard, pack
This mod adds black uniforms and cerberus logos to all squad members. THIS IS THE FINAL VERSION. I do not plan on updating this anymore. It now includes all squad members (Tali and Grunt were given cerberus logos on 03-25-2015 (see screenshots)). As before I also included my black weapons mod and transparent ammo icons as seperate tpf’s within the zip file for those who want to use those mods aswell.
Launch TexMod .
Click on a folder "Target Aplication" in the upper left corner, specify the path to the file MassEffect2.exe .
Press on the middle of the folder "Select Packages" window, select the downloaded mod (texture\model in .tpf -format).
Hit Run . This procedure is necessary to alter each time you start the game.
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