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Replacement of the standard оutfit Tali of Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 3, in two variants.

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Tali Outfit of ME2 to ME3

Replacement of the standard оutfit Tali of Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 3, in two variants.

Author / s : Darth Henkok
Views : 910 ( +2 )
Downloads : 28
Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi
Created : 06/11/2016 2:59:55 PM
Rating :
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Tags : Tali'Zorah, Quarian, replace, retexture, reskins, suit, ARMOR, download, vas Normandy, vas Neema, nar Rayya, character, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, me2, me3, Mod, modification, model, загрузить скачать, мод, модификация, рескин, ретекстур, Тали'Зора, кварианцы, вас Нима, вас Нормандия, нар Райа, броня, костюм, замена, персонаж

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

Replacement of the standard оutfit Tali of Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 3, in two variants.


  1. Launch TexMod.

  2. Click on a folder "Target Aplication" in the upper left corner, specify the path to the file MassEffect3.exe.

  3. Press on the middle of the folder "Select Packages" window, select the downloaded mod (texture\model in .tpf-format).

  4. Hit Run. This procedure is necessary to alter each time you start the game.

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1. ( 3.9 Mb )
Tali Outfit of ME2 to ME3
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