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Stat ( source mods ), pcs.

is widely regarded as one of the most Epic mods to ever hit ModDB and the Portal community as a whole, featuring the iconic campaign of Portal remastered to become more epic to play through, featuring crossover elements with the Half Life series and more!

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Portal: Epic Edition

is widely regarded as one of the most Epic mods to ever hit ModDB and the Portal community as a whole, featuring the iconic campaign of Portal remastered to become more epic to play through, featuring crossover elements with the Half Life series and more!

Views : 3372 ( +4 )
Downloads : 597 ( +2 )
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/18/2020 4:09:10 PM
Rating :
 ( 4 ) 
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Developer / (s) : OssyFlawol
Release date : 06/17/2020

Following translations are available : | english |

Are you, and your PC, ready for Portal: Epic Edition? The greatest shitpost ever known to man?

UPDATE: Portal Epic Edition - Definitive Edition has seen it's first release and is back for more!


Portal: Epic Edition is widely regarded as one of the most Epic mods to ever hit ModDB and the Portal community as a whole, featuring the iconic campaign of Portal remastered to become more epic to play through, featuring crossover elements with the Half Life series and more!

The Definitive Edition of Epic Edition now features:

-Working Level Transitions

-Every single Test Chamber has been Epic'd and is better than ever, with new, alternate ways to solve the puzzles!

-Lots, and lots, of Rocket Turrets.

-Bonus Content in the form of an Epic GLaDOS Battle, 20th Chamber, and remake of the Crusher segment from the Portal Trailer.

Portal: Epic Edition was created and started by Ossy Flawol, with support from CamBen, Konclan, and Baguettery.

Portal mod


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1. ( 176.4 Mb )
Portal: Epic Edition Portal: Epic Edition Portal: Epic Edition Portal: Epic Edition Portal: Epic Edition
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