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Вы терпите кораблекрушение, ну а дальше... зомби!!!
Вы терпите кораблекрушение, ну а дальше... зомби!!!
Views : 3999 ( +1 ) Downloads : 97 Uploader : NitrO Created : 04/20/2013 7:46:02 PM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
Data Developer / (s) : AlanEdwardes
Release date : 01/6/2013
Estranged is a work in progress mod that tells the story of a lone fisherman whose ship is stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Explore the rich environments and meet the curious inhabitants of the island as you find a way back to the mainland. Face both danger and intrigue in this perilous adventure, where you will soon find that not everything is as normal as it seems...
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