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First Person Shooter...

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Firearms: Source

является командным шутером от первого лица

Views : 4188 ( +1 )
Downloads : 94
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 04/24/2013 8:23:00 PM
Rating :
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Version : 2.0.2
Developer / (s) : Venom Game Labs, LLC
Release date : 07/22/2010

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Firearms: Source is a team based first person shooter, rooted in the traditions of the Firearms mod for Half-Life. Firearms: Source brings the best aspects of Firearms to the Source engine, and then takes them a step further. You’ll see a host of familiar weapons and maps, but you’ll find the streamlined game play to be faster, focusing on aggressive, skilled play. From nearly the moment you spawn you can expect to be engaged in furious action.

Half-Life 2 mod


Similar1. Attack Day - Действие происходит ночью. Со всех сторон вас атакуют зомби.
2. The Hidden: Source - Это модификация которая ставится на Half-Life 2(Есть и для первого), суть которой заключается в преследование и уничтожения Hidden, который обладает способностями(почти невидимый, как хищник, умеет цепляться за стены и прыгать высоко и далеко).
3. GoldenEye: Source - Бонд. Джеймс Бонд...
4. Platform - Platformer
5. WWI Source - First Person Shooter
6. NOBLE Strike - is a small Halo themed CS:GO mod I've been working on mostly for fun and animating
7. Counter-Strike: Source Offensive - Ever wanted a nice CS:GO mod for CS:S but tired of simple model-changing mods? Then this mod is for you! This is a mod for Counter-Strike: Source, which brings a lot of gameplay features from CS:GO into CS:S.
1. ( 353.8 Mb )
2. ( 1.6 Gb )
Firearms: Source Firearms: Source Firearms: Source Firearms: Source Firearms: Source Firearms: Source Firearms: Source Firearms: Source Firearms: Source
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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