Get a Life
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Views : 6194 ( +3 ) Downloads : 445 Uploader : NitrO Created : 01/25/2012 12:49:41 PM Rating : ( 5 ) Share :
Data Developer / (s) : Cide
Release date : 04/25/2008
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In "Get a Life" you embody Alexander Zemlinsky, a subway technician suffering from leukaemia. Alex is not, unlike the protagonists in most games, an invincible super-soldier. But you wouldn’t call him normal either, because there is something in his past that connects him with the events that are about to happen in the course of the story (we want to keep the suspense, so nothing more on that…). "Get a Life" will feature different environment settings presented in more than 24 maps, all of them connected to the scenario of the mod. GaL will offer about 11 hours of pure gameplay pleasure.
GaL will run on the latest version of the Source Engine, so that means you’ll see HDR and the enhanced shadow system (as seen in HL2: Episode 1) in "Get a Life" as well
To give the player the best gaming experience possible, GaL will offer a custom HUD, an innovative healing system with several damage zones, drugs that will trigger a "bullet-time" effect, upgradeable weapons and enhanced enemy AI
About 11 hours of gameplay
24 maps with varied environments
61 characters
13 weapons
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Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
=EX-Mo= 01/26/2012, 5:39:03 AM commented :
#1 Отличная модификация!
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