Riot Act
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Views : 4146 ( +3 ) Downloads : 162 Uploader : NitrO Created : 12/27/2011 6:11:31 PM Rating : ( 5 ) Share :
Data Developer / (s) : uoz
Release date : 07/29/2007
Following translations are available : |
russian |
"Numbness and rage. Fright and anger. I open my eyes. Oh, well. My cell is pitch dark anyhow. "Block E1". I heard their inhuman voices. Lying on this cold metal bed, I stretch my arms along my sides. This must be the right posture to fit in a pod. I do not tolerate the idea of not being ready.
Yes, but ready for what? No, I won’t give way to grief.
A squeaky sound… No, no way. It can’t be true. The door opens, light replaces darkness. I will ask for a reason later. Now I have a choice to take. An easy one. I will run the hell out of here, whatever it takes. It’s time to get a little revenge.
It’s time to start my own riot act. "
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