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This mod is set in Games Workshop's, great Warhammer 40,000 ( 40k ) universe. Each map pits Imperial Space Marines again...

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First Person Shooter

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First Person Shooter

Views : 2092 ( +2 )
Downloads : 149
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/13/2013 7:47:02 PM
Rating :
 ( 1.5 ) 
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Developer / (s) : Deppresick Team
Release date : 08/24/2012
Developer website :

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Grey’s life has been nothing but a struggle. A constant downward spiral, and it seems even reality has turned against him. Grey awakens to find that the world has gone quiet, the streets empty. You must find help.

Explore the grim world Grey lives in a completely new and unique world, and find clues to his shattered past.

Grey is a total conversion Half-Life 2 horror modification where the player must solve puzzles, fight to survive, and find out what is happening to the world around you. We have made a lot changes to the base Source engine and have added countless new mechanics in the mod such as the objective indicator, portable medkit, donator based extras, pickup animations, failed reloads, new picture based GUI elements and much, much more!

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Similar1. Strider Mountain v.3 - Cюжетная завязка довольно-таки проста — где-то в горах находится фабрика, выпускающая страйдеров ...
2. Comatose - Модификация очень короткая и запланирована, как эпизодическая. Перед вами – первая часть с двумя концовками. Сюжет начинается, когда вы приходите в сознание в квартире многоэтажного здания.
3. Outpost 16 - First Person Shooter
4. Too Many Crates! - When there are too many crates in one place, only one person possesses the skills to save the day.
5. Half Life 2: Deeper Down - In 2013’s Half Life 2 mod Deep Down, Jim Partridge took several key aspects from Episode Two, Alyx and the car, and expanded on these in an attempt to re-create that amazing Half-Life 2 feeling that everyone is looking for.
1. ( 1.5 Gb )
2. ( 11.6 Mb )
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