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Модели из Resident Evil PS1 для Resident Evil HD RemasterМодели из Resident Evil PS1 для Resident Evil HD Remaster

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Футуристический мод на движке source

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Футуристический мод на движке source

Views : 3443 ( +1 )
Downloads : 50
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/26/2011 10:47:38 PM
Rating :
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Developer / (s) : Radi-8
Release date : 07/3/2009
Interface language : english
Voice language : english
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | russian |

NEOTOKYO° is a first person shooter that aims to provide a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting. NEOTOKYO° takes place in and around a fictionalized Tokyo approximately 30 years in the future. Mankind has begun to fuse with technology. Government and corporate corruption have transformed Tokyo into a deadly dystopian nightmare. After a near-successful military coup by ranking members of Jinrai, the National Security Force (NSF) is formed - answering directly to the Prime Minister, it’s mission is to investigate and eliminate all threats to Japan, both abroad and at home. The initial core of the NSF is made from an exodus from within the intelligence branch of the military. With this betrayal begins the war in the shadows between the NSF and Jinrai.

Similar1. Hypovolemia - Hypovolemia
2. Action Halflife 2 - First Person Shooter
3. Exterminatus - This mod is set in Games Workshop's, great Warhammer 40,000 ( 40k ) universe. Each map pits Imperial Space Marines against the Tyranid swarm, competing in a series of mission objectives, culminating in a battle to decide the fate of the planet.
4. NOBLE Strike - is a small Halo themed CS:GO mod I've been working on mostly for fun and animating
1. ( 968.8 Mb )
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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