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League's ModLeague's Mod

То же самое, что Garry's Mod....

Stat ( comments ), pcs.

is a small Halo themed CS:GO mod I've been working on mostly for fun and animating

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NOBLE Strike

is a small Halo themed CS:GO mod I've been working on mostly for fun and animating

Views : 2839 ( +3 )
Downloads : 280
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 01/22/2020 2:34:00 PM
Rating :
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Version : 1.4
Developer / (s) : Zool Smith
Release date : 01/20/2020
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | russian |

Noble Strike is a ""small"" Halo themed CS:GO mod I've been working on mostly for fun and animating...

Well it grew up to be more than that in the end. Both teams have the same weapons and are equipped with an entirely bulletproof shield... Meaning that just like Halo, you have to deplete your target's shield before being able to damage their health. In Competitive and Casual, rules are unchanged.

Deathmatch becomes FFA Slayer and Team SWAT is added entirely. You can play with your friends using lobbies, or simply with bots if you're forever alone... You can also join us on the mod's discord for updates and finding people to play with:

You don't require anything other than CS:GO and the mod to play, and this is safe as long as you don't try to join CS:GO's MM (you'll just be kicked at most).

[ Client Installation ] Unzip to your CS:GO folder, usually located there: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/ The EXE should then be located here: ./Counter-Strike Global Offensive/noble/noble.exe If the EXE isn't in the right directory, the mod wont work! Launch the EXE to run the mod.

[ SRCDS Installation ] Simply Unzip the same way you would with the client Launch SRCDS with : -game noble/csgo

Similar1. Plan of Attack - Plan of Attack это сетевой шутер от первого лица с элементами стратегии, командной игры и уникальных раудов с противником.
2. Dodgeball - Мод, основанной на спортивной игре
3. Coven - First Person Shooter, Horror
1. ( 178.5 Mb )
NOBLE Strike NOBLE Strike NOBLE Strike NOBLE Strike NOBLE Strike
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
kroken22 03/13/2021, 10:28:15 PM commented :
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