Single, Multiplayer & Co-Op
Portal: Multiplayer
Single, Multiplayer & Co-Op
Views : 2231 ( +1 ) Downloads : 149 Uploader : NitrO Created : 07/01/2018 12:41:36 PM Rating : ( 5 ) Share :
Data Version : Beta v1
Developer / (s) : Crowbar Studios
Release date : 04/16/2018
Portal: Multiplayer is a modification for the first Portal, which only requires Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer.
This mod re-creates the gameplay of an unreleased multiplayer mode that Valve had planned for Portal,
now with new and exciting additions!
You can play the original Portal campaign together, or play an entirely new Co-Op campaign, as well as other gamemodes coming in the future!
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Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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