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Reshade + SweetFXReshade + SweetFX

Небольшой графический мод для Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster....

Stat ( goldsrc models ), pcs.

Remember that HL1 snowball fighting mod back in the day? It was around for one of those winter season. I always thought someone would bring it back for HL2 and I'd get to re-live that fun mods game play all over again. No one did tho, and Ill be damned if I let that happen again this year! Here's a snowball fighting mod for release this winter!

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Snowball Fight

Remember that HL1 snowball fighting mod back in the day? It was around for one of those winter season. I always thought someone would bring it back for HL2 and I'd get to re-live that fun mods game play all over again. No one did tho, and Ill be damned if I let that happen again this year! Here's a snowball fighting mod for release this winter!

Views : 1961 ( +1 )
Downloads : 18
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 12/05/2015 10:51:00 AM
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Version : Beta 1.3
Developer / (s) : notaclevername
Release date : 12/4/2015

Following translations are available : | russian |

Remember that HL1 snowball fighting mod back in the day? It was around for one of those winter season. I always thought someone would bring it back for HL2 and I’d get to re-live that fun mods game play all over again. No one did tho, and Ill be damned if I let that happen again this year! Here’s a snowball fighting mod for release this winter!

Half-Life 2 mod


Similar1. Plan of Attack - Plan of Attack это сетевой шутер от первого лица с элементами стратегии, командной игры и уникальных раудов с противником.
2. Gutter Runners - Многопользовательский мод, где предстоит играть одну и команд: большие крысы и люди.
3. CSPromod - Основная цель CSPromod заключается в дальнейшем прогрессе E-Sports.
4. Lambda Wars - Стратегия по мотивам HL2
5. Dodgeball - Мод, основанной на спортивной игре
6. Double Action: Boogaloo - Third Person Shooter
7. Exterminatus - This mod is set in Games Workshop's, great Warhammer 40,000 ( 40k ) universe. Each map pits Imperial Space Marines against the Tyranid swarm, competing in a series of mission objectives, culminating in a battle to decide the fate of the planet.
1. ( 49.5 Mb )
2. ( 65.8 Mb )
3. ( 46.7 Mb )
4. ( 49.5 Mb )
Snowball Fight Snowball Fight Snowball Fight Snowball Fight Snowball Fight Snowball Fight Snowball Fight Snowball Fight Snowball Fight
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
AJIEX 03/15/2016, 8:05:42 PM commented :
а сервера ваашще есть или нет ?
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