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Судьба жителей Сити 17 лежит на плечах повстанцев.

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Судьба жителей Сити 17 лежит на плечах повстанцев.

Views : 5610 ( +1 )
Downloads : 828
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 01/18/2013 2:22:06 PM
Rating :
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Developer / (s) : Half Life 2 Triage team
Release date : 01/9/2013

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

Part 1 was released in 2013, but was broken by the Steampipe 2016 update. It is officially not working at this point and no longer in development.

There's a fix by Malortie, who managed to reverse engineer parts of the mod and get it running under Source SDK 2013. I am extremely grateful for his efforts - and while it is playable from start to finish - it's using binaries meant for HL2 so the AI, animations and weapons may not work as originally intended and I cannot officially support it.

If you'd like to follow my latest project, Trepang2 is a spiritual sequel to this project and you can try out the demo.


Following the destruction of Nova Prospekt, Gordon Freeman has abruptly disappeared and is presumed dead.

The city has no hero and morale is low. The fate of City 17 now rests on the resistance fighters.

You are Matthew, a citizen who lost his family and home during the invasion. After barely escaping with your life when the police raid your apartment, you are recruited into the resistance and must prove yourself on the wartorn streets of City 17.

Triage shows the darker, grittier side of the conflict between the combine and the resistance from the perspective of a common citizen. Witness the horrors of the combine-human war and the devastating toll it takes on both sides.


Triage is an expansion to Half-Life 2's single player experience. New weapons, upgraded AI, large scale firefights and a mature story are only a few things to look forward to in this mod.

The mod takes place after Gordon Freeman's teleporter malfunction in Nova Prospekt, causing him to disappear for a week. Triage tells the story about the turn of events allowing the resistance to regain control of City 17 in his absence.

Features include:

  • A whole new high quality campaign, with new characters, locations and a storyline set within the HL2 universe.
  • Completely rebalanced explosive and tactical combat
  • Tougher, smarter NPCs who take cover and use advanced tactics such as bounding overwatch and suppressive fire.
  • Updated graphics and audio for a more realistic cinematic experience

Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two AND Source SDK Base 2007


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1. ( 576.1 Mb )
2. ( 22.2 Mb )
Triage Triage Triage Triage Triage Triage Triage Triage Triage Triage Triage Triage
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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