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Left 4 Dead 2 - Update

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Left 4 Dead 2 - Update

Left 4 Dead 2 - Update

Views : 1519 ( +3 )
Downloads : 0
Uploader : SlaY_61
Created : 11/02/2012 8:52:52 AM
Rating :
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Tags : L4D2, Update, Left 4 Dead 2, обновление

Following translations are available : | english | russian |
  • Fixed the game and tools not launching on machines with 16+ CPUs.

  • Fixed missing and incorrect music being played in the L4D1 campaigns

  • Swamp Fever - The Swamp: Added additional self-terminating survivor-only blockers to the areas above the airplane wreckage to prevent players from skipping the airplane event. These blockers are killed once the airplane door is opened.

  • Cold Stream South Pine Stream: Added a small blocker next to a crate near the military truck near mid-level to resolve a minor stuck spot.

  • Fixed controller navigation in mutation menus


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