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Mercy Hospital Heist released for PAYDAY
Mercy Hospital Heist released for PAYDAY
Mercy Hospital Heist released for PAYDAY
Views : 1042 ( +1 ) Downloads : 0 Uploader : Cep}|{ Created : 07/29/2012 8:59:25 AM Rating : ( 0 ) Share : Tags : PAYDAY, L4D, L4D2, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2
A free update has been released for owners of PAYDAY: The Heist on Steam. The update includes a new playable heist which is, in a crossover with the Left 4 Dead series, a raid on Mercy Hospital which is under quarantine, presumably due to Green Flu.
The update also features new zombie masks for all players who own both PAYDAY and either instalment of the Left 4 Dead series on Steam and a new harder difficulty setting.
You can see a trailer for the new heist here:
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