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For ballistics comparisons in CS:GO, we made firing range maps for all three versions: CS, CS:S, and CS:GO. Here are the results from a quick test to compare standing single AK47 shots at a distance of 3072.

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For ballistics comparisons in CS:GO, we made firing range maps for all three versions: CS, CS:S, and CS:GO. Here are the results from a quick test to compare standing single AK47 shots at a distance of 3072.

Views : 1496 ( +1 )
Downloads : 0
Uploader : SlaY_61
Created : 03/26/2012 6:46:35 PM
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Tags : CS: GO, AK-47

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Part of our process at Valve is to make predictions and then test them. So we try to eliminate as much irrelevant noise from the testing process as possible. For ballistics comparisons in CS:GO, we made firing range maps for all three versions: CS, CS:S, and CS:GO. We figure that the community might want to run their own and discuss their results. So we’re making them available here: CS, CSS, CSGO.

Here are the results from a quick test to compare standing single AK47 shots at a distance of 3072. ( These screenshots were taken close to the targets after the test, not from the firing line).


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