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November 30th, we'll be announcing the next set of titles to launch via Steam Greenlight.

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Next Games to be Greenlit Nov 30

November 30th, we'll be announcing the next set of titles to launch via Steam Greenlight.

Views : 1427 ( +1 )
Downloads : 0
Uploader : SlaY_61
Created : 10/31/2012 6:48:20 PM
Rating :
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Tags : Steam, Greenlight

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November 30th, we’ll be announcing the next set of titles to launch via Steam Greenlight. At that time, at least 10 game titles are expected to be offered worldwide distribution agreements via Steam.

In addition, we hope to announce Greenlight’s first graduating class of Software titles, with at least five Software titles targeted for inclusion in this group.

So keep up the voting and help pick the next games you want to see made available via Steam.

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