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Вторая часть пака с лучшим контентом от сообщества

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CBP2 Volume 2

Вторая часть пака с лучшим контентом от сообщества

Author / s of the pack : CBP team
Views : 1676 ( +2 )
Downloads : 72
Uploader : Xawor
Created : 05/21/2014 11:33:53 AM
Rating :
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Tags : Map, Карта, Player, Модель, Модель, Игрока, Mutator, Mutator, BR, CTF, DM, DOM, ONS, Bombing Run, Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Double Domination, Onslaught, CBP2, Community Bonus Pack, UT2004, Unreal Tournament

Following translations are available : | russian |

Вторая часть пака с лучшим контентом от сообщества. Содержит в себе следующее:


  • BR-Bahera by Ed Duke-Cox

  • CTF-Bahera by Ed Duke-Cox

  • CTF-Botanic by Dave "Anarkist" Kostiuk

  • CTF-Pistola by Sidney "Clawfist" Rauchberger and Dave Anarkist" Kostiuk

  • DM-Buliwyf by Nathillien Thilsa

  • DM-Drakonis by Vorlon

  • DM-Kerosene by Paul "Taz" Mader

  • DM-KillbillyBarn by Teddie "teddabod" Tapawan

  • DM-Koma by Soenke C."Warbeast" Seidel

  • DM-KroujKran by Rogelio "Desperado#2" Olguin

  • DM-Meitak by Nick "neoduck" Donaldson

  • DM-Niflheim by Nathillien Thilsa

  • DM-Tempest by Dave "Anarkist" Kostiuk, Rogelio "Desperado#2" Olguin, Ed-Duke Cox and Rachel Cordone

  • DM-TensileSteel by Colin "Lruce Bee" Murphy

  • DM-Torkenstein by Emanuel "krolizard" Da Roit

  • DM-Tydal by Rich "Lord Heisher" Black

  • DOM-Gerroid by Anthony "Radeon285" Vogt

  • ONS-Brassed by Emanuel "krolizard" Da Roit

  • ONS-Pasargadae by Ed Duke-Cox

  • ONS-Yorda by Soenke C."Warbeast" Seidel


  • Bale, Enki, Neil and Tyler by Jerome "Loric" Diard


  • Angel Item Physics by Rachel "Angel Mapper" Cordone

  • Target Practice by Rachel "Angel Mapper" Cordone

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1. ( 191.2 Mb )
CBP2 Volume 2 CBP2 Volume 2 CBP2 Volume 2
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