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Интересная карта. Есть 2 способа прохождения: явный, быстрый и скрытый, сложный

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Co-Op Colours - Map 2

Интересная карта. Есть 2 способа прохождения: явный, быстрый и скрытый, сложный

Author/s of the map : Ianboswell
Views : 2319 ( +1 )
Downloads : 512
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 05/13/2011 9:06:35 PM
Source :
Rating :
 ( 4.29 ) 
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Colours is a co-op and single player map pack for Portal 2 which features custom textures, sounds, and a whole lot of fun puzzles which focus entirely on synesthesia, puzzle solving, and cooperation. Features custom music, sounds, and more. Each map will be released as it is completed in order creating a chronologically episodic release, where each map will link to the next and if it does not then it simply resets.

Colours Co-Op Map 2 links back to 1 if you do not have map 3 installed. If there is a file discrepancy though it disconnects :( Sorry. Can’t really do anything about that. On the bright side it’s fun and non-linear! Enjoy your fun times on the moon!

Similar1. mp_coop_secleratus - Это очень сложная и большая карта.
2. mp_coop_newhole - Небольшая карта средней сложности
1. ( 88.2 Mb )
Co-Op Colours - Map 2 Co-Op Colours - Map 2 Co-Op Colours - Map 2 Co-Op Colours - Map 2 Co-Op Colours - Map 2
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