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Views : 743 ( +1 ) Downloads : 11 Uploader : NitrO Created : 01/11/2014 1:05:44 PM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
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After they fighted with robots at 2fort and boss has defeated, they found the secret way and what’s next?
you should have 2 players up to play this episode
required class 1.spy,2.scout or soldier
You need to use more your brain in this episode!
map can links with next episode
Hammer(No vis because I always got a problem with portalflow)
Similar 1. The 30wave of the dead - The 30wave_of_the_Dead_alpha 2. Mvm_Hangtown - Mvm_Hangtown 3. mvm_2fort_b1_3 - Ночь в 2Fort ... и роботы!!! 4. mvm_nether - mvm_nether
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