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Просмотрщик BSP карт сорс и голдсорс

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BSP Viewer

Просмотрщик BSP карт сорс и голдсорс

Requirements : [Additional software] : .Net Framework 2.0 +
[OS] : linux
Views : 7262 ( +1 )
Downloads : 8045
Uploader : STAM
Created : 04/13/2014 12:00:50 PM
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BSP Viewer is a utility designed for mappers for previewing Half-Life 1 .bsp files and technical information about how they are being rendered. This is meant to help mappers find problem areas in their BSP files that need to be optimized.

BSP Viewer has been superseded by Crafty, my new Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 .bsp, .gl, .map, .mdl, .rmf and .vmf viewer. Crafty can be found here.


  • Optional rendering of textures, lighting, entities, special textures, transparent textures and sorting.

  • Edge viewing and clipping.

  • Optional use of VIS, frustum and backface culling.

  • Scene freezing.

  • Optional rendering of entities in special render modes.

  • Real time entity editing.

  • Entity picking.

  • GCF loading.

  • PTS loading.

  • Exports .3ds, .map, .xsi, .ent and .bmp files.

  • Scene information viewing.

  • Supports .bsp files without VIS or RAD information

  • Recent .bsp file menu.

  • Quick and easy setup.

  • 100% Free.

Similar1. CS:S HUD Editor 0.99 - Программа для всех тех людей, которые хотя бы раз мечтали изменить оформление экрана в CSS
2. MoG 0.7 - Приложение умеет экспортировать карту (BSP), исходник карты (VMF) и, конечно же, OBJ модельки в SMD и OBJ.
3. MIGI 3.0 beta - For easy installation of add-ons for CS: GO, these mods must have a specific m_addon.vpk or p_ folder format.
4. Source ColorCorrection Raw Editor - Программа для работы с RAW файлами цветокоррекции
5. Source 2 Viewer - Source 2 Resource Viewer and Decompiler
6. SourceSDK ENV Editor - Manage your SourceSDK Environments. Edit, reset, configure by one click.
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BSP Viewer BSP Viewer BSP Viewer BSP Viewer
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