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Просмотрщик MAP карт сорс и голдсорс

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MAP Viewer

Просмотрщик MAP карт сорс и голдсорс

Requirements : [Additional software] : .NET Framework v1.1
[OS] : windows
Views : 3198 ( +1 )
Downloads : 292
Uploader : STAM
Created : 04/13/2014 12:25:04 PM
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MAP viewer is a utility designed for fast accurate 3D previews of .MAP files.

MAP Viewer has been superseded by Crafty, my new Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 .bsp, .gl, .map, .mdl, .rmf and .vmf viewer. Crafty can be found here


  • Textured, Solid, Wireframe and Point render modes.

  • Tree representation of world objects.

  • Entity attribute viewing.

  • Special texture hiding (sky, hint, skip etc.).

  • Brush outlining.

  • Entity, Brush and Face highlighting.

  • Point file loading.

  • Recent .map file menu.

  • Quick and easy setup.

  • 100% Free.

Similar1. Crafty (Object Viewer) - Программа для просмотра bsp, .gcf, .ncf, .pak, .vpk, .wad, .xzp файлов
2. BSP Viewer - Просмотрщик BSP карт сорс и голдсорс
3. CSGO Demos Manager v3.10.1 - Программа для подробного анализа демок.
1. ( 73.5 Kb )
MAP Viewer MAP Viewer
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