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Программа для извлечения ресурсов зашитые в карту

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Map Resource Extractor

Программа для извлечения ресурсов зашитые в карту

Author / s : ZeroWave (Producer)
Requirements : [Additional software] : .NET Framework 3.5
Views : 1115 ( +2 )
Downloads : 135
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 05/08/2018 2:28:37 PM
Rating :
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Map Resource Extractor
Have you had the misfortune to have to manually find ALL of your used custom content? Also, packing every downloaded pack will make the map like 200mb.


This program reads the VMF (Valve Map File) and finds all used content from the custom folders you have specified. Then it just needs you to decompile the used models. From there its all automatically. It has a nice detailed log so you can see whats happening and what errors you get (if you get any).

Read the readme.txt it contains useful information and will actually save you some time figuring out the program.

Similar1. BSPSource 1.4.4 - Декомпилятор карт для игр на движке Source также как и VMEX.
2. bsp2xsi v1.0 - BSP в OBJ/MTL
3. Hammer Units Conversion Tool - показывает размеры в метрических или британских единицах
4. Ultimate Source SDK v3 by Psycho-A - Относительно свежая и обновляемая (что важно) сборка от SSDK от Psycho-A.
5. Batch Compiller 3.1.2 - Графическая оболочка для компиляторов Source и GoldSource.
6. BSP30Editor - A program that can help when porting a card with GoldSrc
1. ( 24.2 Kb )
Map Resource Extractor
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