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A program that can help when porting a card with GoldSrc

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A program that can help when porting a card with GoldSrc

Author / s : Сергей Смоловский
Views : 2225 ( +1 )
Downloads : 491
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 02/12/2019 1:05:49 PM
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A program that can help you with porting a card with GoldSrc.
When dragging a bsp card to a file, the program allows you to:

  • Show information in general.
  • Port the map to the smd model (with texture coordinates and texture names). At the same time, SMD is formed separately for the World geometry, and the smd set is for entity braches whose numbers coincide with the model number in the entity file.
  • Save entities to a text document
  • Save all 4 mip levels of packed textures into one VTF file (without touching mip levels) as RGBA8888 (alpha channel is added for transparent textures)
  • Save lighting in bmp Pages 1088x1088 for each lightmap of the texture of each face of the map (maximum texture size 17x17, on page 64x64 lightmap textures).
  • Save other information in text documents: rotation matrix \ texture offset on faces, BSP tree with vis-sheets, BSP tree for collision physics, and more.

+ Added the ability to group smd geometry by different data types, export PVS tables for vis sheets and a couple of fixes. When saving face information info was added about texture size on face and lightmap grid size on face.

For more information on what has been preserved, see pdf.

For example, winbsp does not eat big cards like de_tuscan, and my program easily turns it into smd and extracts info.

This is still a test version, I will be glad to criticism.

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1. ( 540.2 Kb )
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