Author/s of the model : Credits: , model - snark , animations - valve , textures: , silencer.bmp - Birdhouse , 5.bmp - Version_2 , aimpoint.bmp - -X- & 4130, some parts remapped by LooK OuT! , arm.bmp - Wannabe , barrel.bmp - -X- , carrierhandle.bmp - -X- , carry.bmp - -X- , dot.bmp(aimpoint) - by me :D snark , front.bmp - -X- , left.bmp - -X- , mag.bmp - Wannabe/-X-/SixShooter , right.bmp - -X- , sides.bmp - -X- , rest.bmp - -X- , Laser : T-R-O-N , Reflex Zul/Bot , dot.bmp(lam) - Kais , glow.bmp - Kais , beam.bmp - Kais , lam.bmp - Wannabe? i dont know, there were no credits in the zip where i have the texture from.. , newhands2.bmp - Robert Olender , Flipped and edited - Bullet_Head , Re-origined - PENGUINwithM4A1 , nearly all textures edited by snark , Ris Rail Textures and model by FrenchyNeo & others , Double Mag Textures and Model by Mole, IronClad, sas.stu, SixShooter, the_lama & others , Animations: Jennifer!! , Arm convert: Soul-Slayer , Reskin: ςησσρ Views : 696 ( +1 ) Downloads : 12 Uploader : Cep}|{ Created : 02/03/2013 11:19:31 AM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
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