Stat ( source models ), pcs.
Wannabe - Re-Recolour(Darker Wood And Skin)
Wannabe - Re-Recolour(Darker Wood And Skin)
Author/s of the model : Luck_thru_Gun$mok3 , Wannabe's AK47 for CS:S , ---------------------- , Model: Shrike , Skin: Wannabe , Anims: Valve , Arms: Valve , Compile: Andeh , W Model: Hawk , Sound: Ragox , ---------------------- , Re-color: Luck_thru_Gun$m0k3 , Again, I'll mention that I did NOT create this Ak, and I take no credit in anything to deal with the creation. I only re-coloured the weapon. Views : 532 ( +1 ) Downloads : 6 Uploader : Cep}|{ Created : 07/16/2012 12:41:24 PM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
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