Stat ( goldsrc map sources ), pcs.
This mod has 5 other colors Illusion Man's eyes modifications.
Illusion Man's Eyes Modifications
This mod has 5 other colors Illusion Man's eyes modifications.
Author / s : iAstoria Views : 1866 ( +2 ) Downloads : 116 Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi Created : 07/25/2016 6:53:02 AM Source : Rating : ( 5 ) Share : Tags : Illusion Man, modification, Mod, Eyes, Gibbed's ME3 Save Editor, Default, Shepard, Female, Male, mass effect 3, me3
All preset available only for custom Shepard.
Open Gibbed's ME3 Save Editor [v.85] and load your save, then go to: Player\Appearance , click on Presets\Open from File and select the preset you want to install.
Then save your progress to a new game save.
These eyes just a sample, you can modify their as you wish in Player\Appearance - Color panel by using those two parameters:
EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector - eyes color
Emis_Color - implant color
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