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Отличная модель стингера Немезиса из Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City

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RE:ORC Nemesis Stinger

Отличная модель стингера Немезиса из Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City

Author/s of the model : Nemesis50 , Cerebrus
Views : 1762 ( +1 )
Downloads : 188
Uploader : Zhе_НоLTi
Created : 02/28/2015 4:13:34 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Tags : Nemesis Stinger, Resident Evil : Operation Raccoon City, resident evil 3, re3, download models weapons guns for over, game

Following translations are available : | russian |

Отличная модель стингера Немезиса из Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City, заменяет ракетницу (RPG-7).

Установка: распаковать архив, скопировать содержимое папки xfile и внутри нее obj, sub и em в директорию с установленной игрой, подтвердить замену при необходимости.

От автора:

Favorite-Weapon-Reskin-Pack by Cerberus

this includes:

Nemesis Stinger…for RPG7


  • backup your xfile.dat and/or your xfile-folder

  • to use one of the guns just copy/paste the files from wep, id, puzzle-folders into the matching ones in: RE4-maindir\xfile\ , overwriting the existing files

  • some guns got customized sounds: these are located in the ogg-folder…if you did not use custom sounds until now just copy/paste the mod’s ogg-folder into your RE4-maindir

CREDITS: Nemesis50

Everything in this was made out of the work of these brilliant guy. Special thanks to the credits at this point.

please contact me in case you want to use my work for other mods (

---enjoy the fun--- osmand saddler ;-)

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1. ( 1.6 Mb )
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