Antlions Everywhere - modification for Half-life 2 Episode 2
Antlions Everywhere
Antlions Everywhere - modification for Half-life 2 Episode 2
Views : 2981 ( +2 ) Downloads : 138 Uploader : NitrO Created : 12/27/2015 3:35:25 PM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
Data Version : 1.2
Developer / (s) : aHDp495
Release date : 11/1/2015
The main character- Carter Grok together with the squad received a task to reach City-S in whom rebels are located. On the way at group the thrown mine is located. From all directions there are forces of alliance, other way isn't present except as to go through mine. In n mine the squad is divided. The main character loses the squad, gets on the down level of mine and loses all the ammunition.
Survival. Description of this mode.
15 waves, perks, antlions and combines.
The 4th wave - a wave of manhacks.
The 7th wave - the deadly laser on the middle of the map.
The 10th wave - squad of combines.
The 13th wave - rollermines.
The 15th wave - Antlion guard.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two mod
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