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Лукас — двадцатипятилетний студент университета, отличник, хороший друг и будущий жених. Его подругу зовут Мэри и она бо...

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First Person Shooter

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Codename CURE

First Person Shooter

Views : 4622 ( +1 )
Downloads : 96
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 10/31/2013 11:30:50 AM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Developer / (s) : mooseg
Release date : 10/1/2013
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | russian |

What is CURE? Codename: CURE is a first person, objective-based, co-operative, zombie fragging "cure for boredom" game. Cure utilises Valves critically aclaimmed Source engine and aims to provide a fun and immersive, yet casual zombie shooting experience, primarily focused on great gameplay. Cure can be played both on and offline, and with or without computer controlled teammates.

Game Objective As part of a handpicked military special operations team codenamed: "CURE", the primary objective is to infiltrate heavily infected areas of our now post-apocalyptic world, attempt to "cure" the local zombie infestation by planting controlled explosives and detonating them on a timed charge; then attempt to evacuate from the area before the bomb timer expires. To accomplish this (at best) difficult task, each team member must choose one of five player classes, play to their classes strengths and most importantly stick together!

Для игры вам нужен Half-Life 2


Similar1. ReWolfenstein 3D - First Person Shooter
2. Fatal Freight - First Person Shooter, Nature
3. Obsidian Conflict - First Person Shooter
1. ( 96.9 Mb )
2. ( 141 Mb )
Codename CURE Codename CURE Codename CURE Codename CURE Codename CURE Codename CURE Codename CURE Codename CURE Codename CURE
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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