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Monkey Strike 1.2Monkey Strike 1.2

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Half-Life: GladiatorHalf-Life: Gladiator

Gladiator mod - сетевая модификация от третьего лица, переносящая игроков в Древний Рим на гладиаторские бои....

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First Person Shooter, Horror

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First Person Shooter, Horror

Views : 2537 ( +1 )
Downloads : 19
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 12/20/2014 11:12:07 AM
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Version : 0.1.52
Developer / (s) : Year 2211
Release date : 10/30/2009
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

Get out your stakes and dust off your crushed velvet duster because it’s vampires vs. slayers in the release of this class-based multiplayer Half-Life 2 mod, Coven. Slayers might possess a wide arsenal but it’s never that easy to kill a vampire, as you’ll need to stake them once they’re down to finish them off forever.

Mod Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

Similar1. Forsaken - Многопользовательский мод, рассказывающий нам о том, что кто-то стырил вирус из лаборатории и убежал, дабы уничтожить все человечество.
2. Iron Grip : The Oppression - One team consists of one human player, playing a full RTS style game, building and commanding AI troops while the opposing team consisting of human FPS players only !
3. GraviNULL - Alternative Sport
4. Zombie Master 2 - First Person Shooter
5. Dodgeball - Мод, основанной на спортивной игре
6. NOBLE Strike - is a small Halo themed CS:GO mod I've been working on mostly for fun and animating
1. ( 103.4 Mb )
Coven Coven Coven Coven Coven Coven
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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