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Stat ( source models ), pcs.

Swelter is a story-driven mod set several years before the events of Half-Life 2. It explores the internal tensions within the Resistance during their rebellion against the Combine in a post-Soviet Central Asian city, encircled by the scorching steppe.

  • Description
  • Screenshots

Half-Life 2: Swelter (+update 1-6)

Swelter is a story-driven mod set several years before the events of Half-Life 2. It explores the internal tensions within the Resistance during their rebellion against the Combine in a post-Soviet Central Asian city, encircled by the scorching steppe.

Views : 8636 ( +2 )
Downloads : 1018
Uploader : Cep}|{
Created : 06/26/2023 6:44:07 PM
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Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Tags : HL2 Ep2 mod, Mod, modification, HL2, модификация, мод, HL2MOD, Half-Life 2 Episode 2 mod
Version : 1.0
Developer / (s) : SnowDropEscape development team, MyCbEH (Musie) , SDE dev. team.
Release date : 06/26/2023
Interface language : russian, english
Voice language : russian, english

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

The summer sun had been heating the lands of Central Asia long before the Combine's appearance, but in recent days, the heat arises from another source. A series of armed riots in City 545 has spurred scattered resistance groups to unite towards the common goal of liberation from the aliens. However, only a special individual can resolve the contradictions among these would-be allies. A representative of the lambda resistance's secret agents, having travelled from afar, disembarks from a train at just the right moment...


Swelter is a story-driven modification for Half-Life 2, with events taking place a few years before Gordon Freeman's arrival in City-17. The summer sun had been heating the lands of Central Asia long before the Combine's appearance, but in recent days, the heat arises from another source. A series of armed riots in City 545 has spurred scattered resistance groups to unite towards the common goal of liberation from the aliens. However, only a special individual can resolve the contradictions among these would-be allies. A representative of the lambda resistance's secret agents, having travelled from afar, disembarks from a train at just the right moment...

You can expect classic shooter gameplay inspired by the original game, along with puzzles involving physical interaction with objects, vehicle control and exploration of various locations. The average playthrough will take about two hours.

The visual aesthetics aim to please with a seldom-represented Central Asian environment featuring spacious steppes, rocky deserts, and a city where oriental and socialist architecture intertwine. You can immerse yourself in this visual feast while listening to the unique musical blend of the original soundtrack and local ethnic motifs.

The plot explores the ideological split among former allies. Each in-game faction has its own perspective on combating the invaders from another world, along with their unique strengths and weaknesses. The mod does not include any manifestos and steers clear of unnecessary vulgarity and cruelty.


This mod requires Half-Life 2 Episode 2 to run.


The mod can be installed for free via Steam -


Update #1 - 30 jun 2023

Rebalanced gameplay and saves issue


1. Overall gameplay rebalance (weapon damage values, enemy count limits, supply locations);
2. Rebalance of unjustifiably difficult unique moments;
3. Soft lock fixes (trapped in dead-end places, getting stuck).

Broken saves? Do you see yellow translucent walls of "triggers" around you?

The patch to fix critical bugs and flaws that we recently released affects levels. Due to a technical specificity of the Source Engine, saves will not work correctly if maps are updated. Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution.

If you are having this problem, we offer two options:

1) Start the current map from the beginning, writing in the console "restart";
2) Rollback the mod build to the previous version with the "Beta versions" settings (see the instructions below).



Update #2 - 07 jul 2023

Chinese Localization and bug fixes


1. Rebalance of unjustifiably difficult unique moments;
2. Soft lock fixes (trapped in dead-end places, getting stuck);
3. Аdded Simplified Chinese localization.


Chinese Localization - Now Available!
Swelter is now available in Simplified Chinese: the in-game texts, textures, and interfaces have been fully translated!
This beautiful transformation is possible in the mod only thanks to:
- kill-falldown
- Insane Black Rock Shooter
- HelloTimber
- 夕云型风云


Update #3 - 15 Jul 2023

Korean and Swedish Localization - Now Available!

1. Some balance issues were resolved;
2. We are still polishing maps;
3. Аdded Korean and Swedish localization.


We are grateful for this great contribution:
-Blend for Korean closed captions, UI and textures;
-Moka for Swedish closed captions and UI.  

Update #4 - 6 Aug 2023

Ukrainian, Spanish, Italian, French, and Full Chinese Localization - Now Available!

1. Fixed some irritating issues (such as the yellow elevator getting stuck) on various maps;
2. Added Ukrainian, Spanish, French and Italian localizations;
3. Added dubbing to the Chinese localization.

We owe a big thank you to these contributors for their incredible work for the community:
- Lavash_Lev1 for translating all the game texts (interface, closed captions, textures) into Ukrainian.
- infu for the Italian closed captions and UI.
- kSHOU98 for the Spanish closed captions and UI.
- Mazdo for the French closed captions, UI and textures.

We would like to give special recognition to the team that provided the Chinese localization with dubbing! This was made possible thanks to:

Update #5 - 9 Sep 2023

Japanese Localization - Now Available!

We are very grateful to:

- uncut(有給あり) for Japanese closed captions, UI and textures;

Update #6 - 29 Sep 2023

Polish and German Localization - Now Available!


A gigantic thanks to:
- Angel_live for translating the mod's text into Polish;
- Mr. Duke for translating all mod texts and textures into German.

We would like to bring to the attention of German-speaking HL2 mods lovers that Mr. Duke has created localizations for an impressive number of Source Engine modifications. You can view the list here:




1) Instal "Source SDK base 2013 - singleplayer" in Steam
2) In properties of Source base pick beta-test "upcoming"
3) Put folder "Swelter" into your folder ..Steam\steamapps\sourcemods\
4) Restart Steam
5) Find "[HL2MOD] Swelter" in your steam library


  • Swelter.7z - full first verion.
  • update-1-30-06-2023.7z - update 30.06.2023
  • update-2-07-07-2023.7z - update 07.07.2023
  • update-3-15-07-2023.7z - update 15.07.2023
  • update-3-06-08-2023.7z - update 06.08.2023
  • update-5-09-09-2023.7z - update 09.09.2023
  • update-5-09-09-2023-fix.7z - update and fix 09.09.2023
  • update-6-29-09-2023.7z - update 29.09.2023
  • update-6-29-09-2023-fix.7z - update and fix 29.09.2023
  • Swelter_full_with_update_1-6.7z - full mod whith all update

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Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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