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Создатель, не обращая внимания на банальную сюжетную завязку, нагло поломал два стереотипа. Первый: «Старый забытый особ...

Blue PortalsBlue Portals

is a unique Portal mod that has players traverse through new test chambers using only the single portal device and many ...

Stat ( goldsrc plugins ), pcs.

First Person Shooter

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Half Life : Climbox

First Person Shooter

Views : 3093 ( +3 )
Downloads : 93
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 06/14/2014 1:29:50 PM
Rating :
 ( 3.5 ) 
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Version : 1.0
Developer / (s) : TheBeach
Release date : 06/1/2014

Following translations are available : | english |

This realy short mod was initialy created for a "GameJam" event during 48 full hours. Duel was the subject.

Get ready and climb up to the roof of this building by killing every single challengers.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two mod

Similar1. Flesh - Вы появляетесь в туалете заправочной. На улице ночь. Все достаточно мрачно и загадочно.
2. SMod Redux 10 - Очень злая конверсия Халфы
3. CSS SCI FI 3: Hardwired - Шутер от первого лица
4. Kingdoms Collide - Шутер от третьего лица
5. Joutomaa - First Person Shooter
6. Outpost 16 - First Person Shooter
7. Rabbit Hole: the bottom - First Person Shooter, Horror
8. Half Life 2: Deeper Down - In 2013’s Half Life 2 mod Deep Down, Jim Partridge took several key aspects from Episode Two, Alyx and the car, and expanded on these in an attempt to re-create that amazing Half-Life 2 feeling that everyone is looking for.
9. Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux - Experience Half-Life 2 like never before.
1. ( 45.4 Mb )
Half Life : Climbox Half Life : Climbox Half Life : Climbox Half Life : Climbox Half Life : Climbox Half Life : Climbox
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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