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Experience Half-Life 2 like never before.

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Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux

Experience Half-Life 2 like never before.

Views : 2859 ( +1 )
Downloads : 261
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/19/2020 7:28:09 AM
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Version : 1.1
Developer / (s) : Half Life 2: RtBR Team
Release date : 05/7/2020

Following translations are available : | english |


Experience Half-Life 2 like never before. Return to City 17, held within the iron grip of the Combine and the Consul. Reunite with old friends, and enemies, and some of them brand new. Immerse yourself in a revitalised combat system featuring old arsenals made new again, with added features to raise the bar in gameplay. You've been waiting for quite some time, now. It's time to climb aboard.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two mod


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1. ( 983.4 Mb )
Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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