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Это первое приключение человека, который происходит на борту корабля....

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Это первое приключение человека, который происходит на борту корабля.

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Это первое приключение человека, который происходит на борту корабля.

Views : 5928 ( +2 )
Downloads : 190
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/27/2011 7:36:01 PM
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Version : 1.2
Developer / (s) : IZaNaGI
Release date : 09/9/2011

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

Titan: XCIX is a first person adventure that takes place aboard the ill fated star ship of the same name. When an accident rips apart a lone ship on a routine mission, the crew find themselves fighting for survival, and each other in a unique Single Player experience, that's been in the making for the past two years.


Humanity is at the point of extinction when a terrible accident destroys the majority of life on earth, during what is now known as The First Contact Event. Although official contact had been set with very strict Quarantine rules, unsanctioned contact between the Human populace and Vaedran Trade ships meant that diseases that originated from Vaedra were easily passed to the people of Earth, causing a catastrophic chain of events.
The people of Vaedra (a long lost offshoot of Humanity), racked by guilt, gathers up what's left of Human civilisation and over the space of many years, slowly integrates them into their own society, to give them a better life away from the wastes of Earth.

But life is far from better, hospitality soon turns to indifference, and intolerance, eventually pushing Humans to the outskirts of their new home. There only choice is to work in the jobs nobody else wants, where they can be secluded from the masses. Deep space mining, and working among the Vaedran shipping lanes between the colonies forms the basis of the United Human Remnant (UHR), a group that gives homes to Humans, and Vaedrans alike, among the stars.

Among these "homes" is Titan: XCIX, a previously decommissioned trade ship, donated to the UHR for the purpose of allowing Humanity to sustain its own trade route. Work aboard Titan is slow, cramped, and often dangerous, but the allowed independence more than makes up for the conditions aboard the ship.

But even on the fringe of space, bad blood boils ...


Developed single handedly by Robin "IZaNaGI" Molde (Jailbreak!: Source, Survival Mod II for JK:JA), Players will face many challenges that will test their brains rather than their trigger fingers. Follow me on Twitter for more up to date info, and even an occasional work in progress Screenshot or Video.

Winner of ModDB's Editor's Choice Creativity Award (Most unique use of gameplay/game direction) in 2011.

Half-Life 2 mod


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2. Transmissions - Element 120 - First Person Shooter
3. Resident Evil 2: Source - Римейк классического хоррора на движке Source
4. Too Many Crates! - When there are too many crates in one place, only one person possesses the skills to save the day.
5. OXXO: Source - is a sourcemod set in an Oxxo self-service store where the protagonist, an unknown night shift employee, is given the task of repairing a faulty refrigerator but ends up finding a secret that involves the company behind Oxxo.
6. Half-Life: Source Fixed - Модификация-патч, приводящая полусырой оригинальный Half-Life: Source от Valve в презентабельный вид
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1. ( 4.3 Mb )
2. ( 424.7 Mb )
3. ( 922.1 Kb )
4. ( 526.6 Mb )
5. ( 639.9 Mb )
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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