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First Person Shooter

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Outpost 16

First Person Shooter

Views : 3163 ( +3 )
Downloads : 89
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 10/31/2013 1:08:33 PM
Rating :
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Developer / (s) : mikeanderson
Release date : 02/7/2010
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | russian |

This is a cinematic portfolio piece. You and Alyx must support Echo Team in their attempt to attack Outpost 16.

Things don’t go quite the way you or they expected.

You have action and some puzzles to deal with, oh and don’t hang around looking at the beautiful view, if you linger you die!

Для игры вам нужен Half-Life 2: Episode Two

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8. Rebel Surge - After the explosion in Nova Prospect, Gordon Freeman teleports to City 16, right during the beginnig of the uprising.
9. Half-Life 2: Swelter (+update 1-6) - Swelter is a story-driven mod set several years before the events of Half-Life 2. It explores the internal tensions within the Resistance during their rebellion against the Combine in a post-Soviet Central Asian city, encircled by the scorching steppe.
1. ( 185.7 Mb )
Outpost 16 Outpost 16 Outpost 16 Outpost 16 Outpost 16 Outpost 16
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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