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First Person Shooter

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First Person Shooter

Autor / s of the review : marnamai
Views : 3002 ( +2 )
Downloads : 101
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 07/01/2014 7:06:27 PM
Rating :
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Release date : 06/30/2014

Following translations are available : | english |

This is my entry for the Interlopers mapping competition "the forgotten journey". The goal of the contest was to create a map set in a new location while staying true to Half-life 2.

Playtime is around 20-30 min.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two mod

Similar1. Outpost 16 - First Person Shooter
2. Awakening - Сюжет Awakening разворачивается за некоторое время до событий Half-Life 2 на одной из арктических баз Сопротивления, которую штурмует Альянс.
3. Portal: Still Alive For PC - The 14 advanced chambers from the XBLA version of Portal, now playable on your PC!
4. 1048 - Can you survive a night on room 1408? The room only has one goal. Will you resist the urge? Don't trust anything, it's all in your head. There isn't only one way out.
1. ( 15 Mb )
Overflow Overflow Overflow
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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