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Team Fortress 4 - Sniper ModTeam Fortress 4 - Sniper Mod

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First Person Shooter

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First Person Shooter

Views : 3077 ( +1 )
Downloads : 135
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 01/28/2015 6:11:40 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Version : 1.1C
Developer / (s) : Precursor Team
Release date : 03/28/2011
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

It’s been almost four months since the release of Precursor. The mod has been downloaded over 15 000 times and I’ve received 112 feedback forms. Feels pretty good, actually! If you want a slightly outdated summary of all of that juicy feedback, have a look at this post over at MapCore.

Just the other day I was asked if I could answer some questions about Precursor by ModSentry’s Daniel Perry. Why, of course Daniel! Scroll down and you’ll find a little snippet from the interview and a link to the full interview over at ModSentry! It includes some advice to mod developers, so if you’re into that kind of jazz, you should check it out!

Half-Life 2: Episode Two mod

Similar1. City_SPb v.1.2 - Город Санкт-Петербург, будущее...
2. Kingdoms Collide - Шутер от третьего лица
3. Portal Pro - Puzzle Compilation
4. Korsakovia - Мод рассказывает нам историю человека по имени Кристофер, страдающего редким синдромом Корсакова. Похоже, что Кристофер съел свои глаза.
5. Midgaard - First Person Shooter, Horror
6. Courage - First Person Shooter
7. Experiment 04 - The first three playable maps are ready now. I hope you will like it.
1. ( 128.3 Mb )
2. ( 4.8 Mb )
Precursor Precursor Precursor Precursor Precursor Precursor Precursor
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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