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The goal of Half-Life 2 : MMod is to enhance and expand gunplay

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Half-Life 2: MMod

The goal of Half-Life 2 : MMod is to enhance and expand gunplay

Views : 9301 ( +2 )
Downloads : 803
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 01/15/2019 12:22:21 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Version : 1.3
Developer / (s) : Gunship_Mark_II
Release date : 12/25/2018
Developer website :

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

The goal of Half-Life 2 : MMod is to enhance and expand gunplaycombat mechanics and the immersion factor by giving the Player more options and combat opportunities as well as refine how the Player handles his arsenal. Half-Life 2 : MMod also offers minor AI enhancements, extended abilities for combine soldiers ( dynamic jumping, firing smg1 underbarrel grenades, shotgunner double blast, etc. ), multiple bug fixes, enhanced visuals, VFX re-design, sound redesign and much much more, while keeping nearly every new feature in the mod totally optional. 

Half Life 2 : MMod offers :

- Revised Gunplay
- Enhanced Player Feedback
- Hardened AI and AI's Abilities
- Brand New Weapon Animations
- Fixed, Revised Weapon Models 
- New Arsenal
- Numerous Bugfixes
- VFX Re-Design
- Sound Re-Design
- Weapon Foley Sounds
- Restored HEV Voicelines
- Enhanced Visuals
- Optional In-Game Graphical Enhancements
- Nearly Everything is Optional
- Lore Friendly


HL2MMod Team :

Gunship Mark II : Mod author, code, VFX, textures, texture edits, compiling, scripting, shaders.
Fooltaurus : Animations, model edits and fixes, texture edits.
KrIsCrEeP : Sound Re-Design, weapon foley, playtesting.
sgor00 : Mod page art, logos, art for videos.

Supported By :

Sirgibsalot : Help with compiling, proofreading and model edits.
CW3D : Ideas, proofreading, constructive criticism.
.NicolasDe : Hyperborea viewroll/idle camera, GameUI2.
-[SaD]- -Creator- : Ideas, coding help, support.
GearDev Studios : Shaders, code snippets, grenade animations.
Biohazard : Source Shader Editor.
John : USP Diffuse texture.
CzechDeath : .357 Normal Map.
RaraKnight & RealBeta : Icons for AR3, Crossbow, etc.
Double Action: Boogaloo : SSAO shader.
Valve Developer Wiki : Misc tutorials and community fixes.
Crowbar - Model compiling.
ModDB - Hosting, promotion, home of HL2MMod.

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1. ( 366.6 Mb )
2. ( 359.3 Mb )
Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod Half-Life 2: MMod
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
LIL-PIF 01/17/2019, 12:34:28 PM commented :
Сделать бы что то подобное на Half-Life 1
Видел ммод на хл1 вот только там нихрена не ммод анимации кривые множество моделек просто украдено из других модификаций (я не про этот мод)
А вообщем отличный мод в плане геймплея изменяет почти всю игру
За такое и автору хочется хотя-бы 100 руб задонатить
Storm 12/27/2020, 3:06:00 PM commented :
Делать мод для Half-Life 1 скорее всего безсмысленно т.к. исходные коды были полностью выложены после появления мода Condition Zero. Но и анимаций переписывать накладно будет даже если кто-то решится на базе GoldSource Engine делать.
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