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Попытка воссоздать атмосферу эпизодов одиночной игры от Valve
Project 25
Попытка воссоздать атмосферу эпизодов одиночной игры от Valve
Views : 2229 ( +2 ) Downloads : 170 Uploader : NitrO Created : 08/30/2016 2:39:19 PM Rating : ( 0 ) Share :
Data Developer / (s) : Coulianos
Release date : 01/1/2009
Following translations are available : |
russian |
Project 25 is a single player episode, made by Filip Coulianos, with 30 minutes of playtime set in the Half-Life 2 universe.
The episode is a part of my final year project to get a Bachelour of art. The goal is to create a unique single player experience while still keeping the episode true to the original. Voice acting is performed by Kelly Harrigan, Edwyn Tiong and Emelie Isacsson. Choreography, manuscript, story, level design, lighting and overall visuals are made by Filip Coulianos. All textures, props are made by Valve Corporation.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two mod
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Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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