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Real Time Shooter

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Zombie Colony

Real Time Shooter

Views : 3952 ( +1 )
Downloads : 136
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/10/2013 4:02:25 PM
Rating :
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Developer / (s) : Zombie Colony Dev Team
Release date : 12/21/2012

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

Zombie Colony is a real time shooter survival strategy game. Scavenge for resources, build your camp, and survive against zombies.

Half-Life 2

Similar1. Half-life Metro Mod - Небольшой симулятор метро
2. Sprucecape - Мы играем за Джона Спрюскейпа, бывшего профессора философии, алкоголика, который проживает в загородном доме где-то на Аляске вместе со своей женой и сыном Эдди в изоляции от внешнего мира.
3. Portal 2 | Memories - Memories
4. Half Life 2: Deep Down - First Person Shooter
5. Silent Hill: Alchemilla - Adventure, Horror
6. Lunar Descent - First Person Shooter
7. Hopeless Night - Horror
8. Kill the Monk - First Person Shooter
9. Cosmonaut - Cosmonaut is a Half-Life Two: Episode Two mod that recreates the style of game-play from the Half-Life series whilst providing a variety of locations to explore as you encounter Combine Soldiers, Antlions, and a wide range of other enemies. The mod sticks to the formula that worked in Half-Life Two in the hope that it is fun to play, and brings about many nostalgic memories.
1. ( 154.5 Mb )
2. ( 2.8 Mb )
Zombie Colony Zombie Colony Zombie Colony Zombie Colony Zombie Colony Zombie Colony Zombie Colony Zombie Colony Zombie Colony
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
Чипиздрик 11/12/2013, 3:38:56 PM commented :
А где сами зомби на скринах?
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