Stat ( source map sources ), pcs.
Capture of a flight around the entire world of Half-Life: Source
World of Half-Life: Source
Capture of a flight around the entire world of Half-Life: Source
Views : 2393 ( +1 ) Downloads : 0 Uploader : SlaY_61 Created : 01/06/2013 2:35:20 PM Rating : ( 0 ) Share : Tags : Half-Life, Source
Capture of a flight around the entire world of Half-Life: Source. The gameplay of the game itself is mostly continuous, so it is possible to glue large series of maps together in one giant mesh. No textures except lightmaps are loaded.
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iluny1 01/06/2013, 5:56:20 PM commented :
#1 Всё ниже и ниже и ниже
SlaY_61 01/06/2013, 6:15:28 PM commented :
#2 оригинальная задумка. Да и красиво выглядит всё это )
NitrO 01/07/2013, 5:43:39 PM commented :
#3 +5
Cep}|{ 01/08/2013, 10:15:30 AM commented :
#4 Интересно 5+
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