Stat ( goldsrc prefabs ), pcs.
Built to improve Valve games modders' productivity and quality of life.
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XBLAH's Modding Tool
Built to improve Valve games modders' productivity and quality of life.
A fantastic tool for creating and running mods. it's an extremely useful tool for all mappers and modders for Goldsrc and Source that puts an emphasis on making several tasks easier and streamlined so that you spend less time with trial and error and more time finishing the project of your dreams.
Automate the process of creating blank GoldSRC and Source mods. Easily create new chapters, with chapter images and chapter backgrounds, automatically install Hammer++, edit soundscapes, and much more. All of that in a single intuitive tool, with no scripting knowledge required. Create your mod, launch hammer, and that's it.
To support the active development of this software, access to the tool's GUI is only available for Patrons. If Patreon is blocked in your country, or you don't feel like contributing, legacy versions are available for free throughout the internet.
Add custom non-steam libraries of base games.
List all the Source and Goldsrc games and mods, play them and edit them.
Create a mod based on Goldsrc, Source 1 or Source 2 (Alpha) games.
Create a mod based on Mapbase with Thexa4's PBR support.
Run mods from any game in fullscreen, windowed or VR mode (Source 2) directly from the tool.
Create custom launch presets.
Link to the mod install folder.
Clean the mod folder for release.
Edit the game info.
Edit the chapters and create images and backgrounds for them. (Source 1)
Choose the starting map and the training map (Goldsrc)
Edit the game menu. (Goldsrc and Source 1)
Manage the content mounted. (Source 1)
Explore all the mounted files. (Source 1)
Explore the files in the mod folder. (Goldsrc and Source 2)
Copy only the assets used by a VMF to a /custom/ folder. (Source 1 - Beta)
Delete mods.
Automatically installs Mapbase. (Source 1)
Level Design
Run maps directly from the BSP/VPK.
Run Jack with auto-generated configuration (Goldsrc)
Run Hammer++ with auto-generated configuration. (Source 1)
Run Hammer++ with auto-generated configuration for Mapbase.
Decompile maps. (Goldsrc and Source 1)
Link to the prefabs folder. (Goldsrc and Source 1)
Link to Crafty. (Goldsrc and Source 1)
Link to Terrain Generator. (Source 1)
Link to Batch Compiler. (Source 1)
Link to HLMV. (Goldsrc and Source 1)
Run Hammer++ with auto-generated configuration for Propper. (Source 1)
Convert VMF to MDL using Propper. (Source 1)
Link to Crowbar. (Source 1)
Create UnlitGeneric, VertexLitGeneric and LightmappedGeneric materials. (Source 1)
Create Skyboxes and preview them (Goldsrc and Source 1)
Get the ideal colors for light_environments and env_fog_controllers (Goldsrc and Source 1)
Materials saved under materials/models will automatically have the parameter 'model 1'
Auto-generate a particle manifest based on what's used in a VMF. (Source 1)
Run Faceposer with auto-generated configuration and fixed icons. (Source 1)
Create and preview soundscapes (Source 1)
Auto-generate a soundscape manifest based on what's mounted in the mod. (Source 1)
XBLAH's Modding Tool - XBLAH
Tips on decompiling maps - AnthonyPython
Tips on skybox creation - Mr.Kleiner
Gifted Day of Defeat for testing - cambreaKer
Gifted Ricochet - Ian B.
Mapbase - Blixibon and team
PBR Shader - Thexa4, Bonjorno7, SCell555, Gocnak, White Red Dragons, and team
External tools - the respective authors
Similar 1. GCFScape - Программа для просмотра и извлечения ресурсов bsp, .gcf, .ncf, .pak, .vpk, .wad, .xzp файлов 2. Crafty (Object Viewer) - Программа для просмотра bsp, .gcf, .ncf, .pak, .vpk, .wad, .xzp файлов 3. MAP Viewer - Просмотрщик MAP карт сорс и голдсорс 4. GWTool 0.3 - Распаковщик аддонов и других дополнений, запакованных в *.gma архивы использующие в Garry's Mod. 5. SignMake - Утилита для тех, кто работает с картами Portal и Portal 2. Позволяет сделать информационную таблицу, которая включается по мере подхода игрока к ней, вы можете задать любое количество уровней и нужные участки испытаний в вашей тестовой камере, будь то вода, кнопки, панели Веры или другие фишки вашей карты. 6. Installer add. Campaigns v3 - Установщик дополнительных кампаний для Left 4 Dead 2 7. GoldSrc Lightmap Editor 1.0.3 - Программа для редактирование Lightmap освещения в картах 8. Wall Worm - Source Engine Game Design Tools for 3ds Max 9. VPKEdit v4.2.2 - это инструмент который может извлекать, просматривать содержимое и записывать в архивы VPK и др.
LastZlo 01/25/2024, 6:15:52 PM commented :
#1 У кого нибудь есть старая версия Xblah modding tool 1.13?
Cep}|{ 01/25/2024, 10:04:10 PM commented :
#2 А такая разве была? Скинь ссылку, если найдешь.
LastZlo 01/27/2024, 8:42:57 PM commented :
#3 Нашлась, вот:
NitrO 01/28/2024, 8:52:21 AM commented :
#4 LastZlo, "Владелец переместил файл в корзину." ( Если не секрет, зачем тебе Xblah modding tool 1.13 версии?
LastZlo 01/28/2024, 4:56:59 PM commented :
#5 Мне удобнее с ним, нежели с новыми версиями. Обновил ссылку, в этот раз заработает:
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