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Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 2.32Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 2.32

Пираты, викинги и рыцари. Средневековье...

The Specialists 3.0The Specialists 3.0

Ураганная модификация в стиле фильмов «Матрица» и «Без лица»...

Stat ( comments ), pcs.

Various files for Mass Effect 1

overall : 0 / 16

Miscellaneous - 1 (0)

Fan translations, patches, etc

Models and reskins

Models and reskins - 10 (0)

Custom models and reskins for Mass Effect 1


Mods - 5 (0)

Mods and graphical enhancements for Mass Effect 1

    ME3 Geth Pulse Rifle
    Mass Effect 1ME3 Geth Pulse Rifle
    Quarian Armor Retexture Pack
    Mass Effect 1Quarian Armor Retexture Pack
    MEUITM Anniversary Edition 2018
    Mass Effect 1MEUITM Anniversary Edition 2018
    XBox 360 Controller
    Mass Effect 1XBox 360 Controller